Vignettes : Vignettes Links : Weblogs

This is Alison Moy's Weblog

Annie Moy's Weblog

Inny is my old-school buddy from Amherst. She's now in Korea. I bet she eats Kim-chee all the time.

This is my buddy Chris's website. Check out his pic with Jacky Chan!


This is Daiv's website! woot woot!

This is the Angie's site. Angie is one of Amy's best friends from school. It's cute and entertaining.

This is Huan - a cool guy I met in Tokyo.

This is Joanne Moy's Website

Kyusik is an old friend from my Sapient days in SF. He's out in Seattle now, apparently enjoying it. Here's his shitty site.

Matt Libby's Homeage

This is Audry's blog. A cool Smithie I knew back in school. She now lives in Seattle. I bet she drinks Starbucks.

Rita - girl I met in Hong Kong. Lives in San Francisco. Cool.

This is Amy's website - isn't she sooo cute?

Dardy - a friend of 2 distinct friends... doesn't make sense? nevermind...